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Income Asset Management and BondAdviser

Income Asset Management has partnered with BondAdviser − Australia’s leading corporate fixed income research platform to provide complimentary weekly and monthly research to our investors.


All securities are screened and vetted.


Analysis of risk based on quantitative and qualitative data.


Analyse unique characteristics of the security itself.


Calculation of valuation to ensure investors are being appropriately compensated for the level of risk associated with the product.


Drawing on insights, BondAdviser produces information on buying, selling or holding the security.


Finally, ongoing monitoring of changing conditions is maintained to ensure research and recommendation remains valid.

External research is vital to ensure we continue to provide transparency to our investors.

Jon Lechte, CEO.

Greater transparency with BondAdviser…

Income Asset Management Group is proud to have partnered with BondAdviser, Australia’s leading specialist fixed income research platform, to provide complementary weekly and monthly research to our investors. As an Income Asset Management client, you will receive complementary access to individual issuer research for issues covered by the BondAdviser team.

BondAdviser provides investors with valuable information and clear investment recommendations for all ASX-listed interest rate securities and a broad range of over-the-counter (OTC) corporate bonds.

IAM Research Hub

IAM Capital Market’s Credit Strategy team provides investors with detailed issuer and issue specific credit and relative value opinions to assist with the investment decision making process.