Research Hub

Please find below all the relevant research materials

How a potential update to the Credit Benchmark will impact credit spreads
Buying Bonds in New Issues Makes Good Sense
Markets In the New Era of Trumpism
Exiting cash and moving into bonds
Income Opportunity – Floating Rate Notes
Positive for AT1 instruments, including new ANZ NZ OTC; Neutral for T2 instruments over the medium to long term.
Why bank term deposits are falling and what is driving them
How to position your portfolio when rates fall
Interest rate swap curve is a key factor in pricing corporate bond curves
Bond Opportunities in Current Interest Rate Environment
Direct Investment vs Funds
Proposed Changes to Wholesale Investor Qualification
Australian banking sector update
China, deflation, and global rates falling
Adding duration to portfolios right now
Factors that influence the price of fixed rate bonds
Common misconceptions about bonds
Equity risk premium highlights case for bonds
What factors influence the price of fixed-rate bonds? And how can I mitigate these factors?
New RBA, old cycles, new investment choices
Sequencing Risk
How fixed income can help address issues in the aged care sector
Market Commentary: 2023 Sparkles on Fixed Income
High quality Australian bonds at decade-plus high yields
Implications for UBS/CS on Kangaroo Perps
UBS to buy Credit Suisse in Momentous Deal
Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) – Where To Now?
Portfolio Strategies
Credit Outlook 2023
Age Care Sector
APRA Announcement
Foreign Currency Bonds
Benefits Of FRNs
The Credit Market – State of Play Sep’22
S&P Default Rate Study
Aussie Banks Bonds Creating Opportunities
Experts Suggest Fixed Income Asset Allocation
Portfolio Review: Bond Mix
Cheap bonds, spiking yields
The IAM 6% Club
Post-Election Credits
OTC T2 and AT1
Value emerging in term deposit rates
The Benefits of Bonds
The 5% Club
Value in T2 vs AT1
Inflation and the RBA
Expert Insights: Keep an Eye on China and the US
Expert Insights
Duration and How Investors Should be Positioning
Reopening Australia
Equity Bubble
Australian Tapering and Bond Implications
Virgin Collapse
BNP tier 2 @ 200 amidst French political uncertainty
Barclays Tier 2 Bonds
Investment Grade Blue Owl Credit Income Corp – 3yr at 6%ytm +
Port of Newcastle PONEIV 5.9 11/24/31s
BNP Float 08/23/34 [AU3FN0090353] – /100.3 (+208; 5.93%)
Karoon Energy USD Senior Secured B+ @ 8.8%
La Trobe Senior Secured Term Loan | 8.4% Forecast YTM
ANZ + Suncorp
Call on Aroundtown and Societe Generale
Police and Nurses Capital Note
UBS Call
Great news for noteholders with “early pay” for consent
BNP subordinated (BBB+) 6% to Dec 2026
Novacare AUD April 2033 Senior Secured
AMPOL Investment Grade Notes
Bond opportunities in the 6% club
HSBC 6.211 03/21/34
Pacific National 3.8 31s
Barclays 4.375 Perp (Ba1/BB-/BBB-)
Value in Kangaroo Issuers
Australian Gas Networks 2025 at CPI + 3.08%, AA rated
Ausnet 6.134 33
Corporate Floating Rate Note Offer: Pacific National at 7.00%
Key Invest
Pioneer Credit
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation
Macquarie AT1 issue
Trustee Updates
Port of Newcastle
New Nickel Industries 5.5NC2.5 US$ Issuance
Liberty Financial FY22
Nufarm FY22 Results: a ratings upgrade candidate in the making
IAG Hybrid
Origin Energy – Takeover News
Airservices Australia
Trade Idea CBA
GBP AT1 Options – My Top 2 Picks
Australian USD Discos – High Risk
NCIG Senior Secured
Port Of Brisbane
The value in AUD Corporate Hybrids
Liberty Financial Group
Ausnet Hybrids Copy
Top Duration Trades
Ausnet Hybrids
European Bank USD AT1 Securities
Strandline Resources
Australian Secure Capital Fund (ASCF)
Qantas Curve
Virgin Money
Nickel Mines 6.5% 2024s (B1/B+)
Ampol Hybrids
Societe Generale (SocGen)
Ausnet Hybrids
Australian Discos
GPT 32s
Port of Newcastle
IG GE Perp and Citi Trups
Pioneer High Yield Offer
Liberty FRN
AFCP 2019-1 A Note
Scentre Group Hybrids
Clearview Subs
Clearview Subordinated Notes
Regional ASX-listed AT1s
GM Financial
Crown ASX-listed Hybrids (CWNHB)
AMP Life